Mouth Ulcers

An ulcer that occurs on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is known as a mouth ulcer. It is also called canker sores that are small in size, mostly these are painful lesions that are present in the mouth or at the base of gums. Mouth ulcers are very common and occur in association with many diseases.

What are the causes of mouth ulcers?                                                                              

Mouth ulcers are caused by a variety of factors that are mentioned below:
-viral infections such as herpes simplex
-poor oral hygiene
-local trauma and aphthous stomatitis
– skin rashes in mouth
-autoimmune disorders
-oral cancer
-underlying GIT disease such as Crohn’s disease
-constant rubbing against misaligned and sharp teeth
-burns from eating hot food
-constant rubbing against dentures
-irritation from strong antiseptics
-oral thrush infection
-skin rashes to mouth
-genetic causes
-eating excessive citrus fruits
-stress or anxiety
-hormonal changes during pregnancy, puberty, menopause
-medications involving beta-blockers

What are the signs and symptoms of mouth ulcers?

-one or more painful sores on the underlying part of the skin
-swollen skin around the sores
-problems in chewing or tooth brushing
-irritation of the sores by salty, spicy, or sour foods
-loss of appetite

What are the types of mouth ulcers?

There are three types of mouth ulcers:
1.herpetiform ulcers (HU)
2.Minor ulcers

What is an ayurvedic view of mouth ulcers?

In Ayurveda mouth ulcer is correlated with mukha paka which is caused due to imbalance in dosha (vata, pitta, kapha). Mainly pitta dosha is involved in it. The wrong eating habits, excessive consumption of spicy, oily, & fried food items result in mouth ulcers.

What is an ayurvedic treatment for mouth ulcers?

Ayurveda provides the best treatment for mouth ulcer patients. The various herbs in Ayurveda help to relieve pain, inflammation, & burning sensation in the mouth. There are different herbal remedies that give fast relieve from ulcers and also removes the associated pain.
Chandigarh Ayurveda Center provides you the best way to cure the condition of mouth ulcers by using the “Mouth ulcer care kit”. The kit contains pure herbs which fasten the healing process. This kit contains five products: